Hi everyone! Today I'm reading from the beginning of Quinn's Gambit: AURA 1, partly because it's up for a couple of things over at the PRG Reviewer's Choice Awards but mostly because it was too damn fun reading a Groof scene. You'll see what I mean. Quinn's Gambit
AURA 1 After a terrible magical accident at Berkeley created unpredictable holes between realities, all manner of non-human creatures started popping into our world. These displacements, called Random Anomalous Reality Events or RARE, have taken magic out of fiction and relocated it firmly in reality, resulting in a great deal of chaos and confusion. Displaced elf Valerian works with AURA, the Agency of Unnatural Resettlement and Assimilation, to intercept these beings as they appear in the human world, helping the peaceful ones and subduing the violent, malevolent ones. It’s good, satisfying work, and Val would be happy if he wasn’t so lonely. Quinten is a young mage just trying to get by, but New York isn’t the easiest city to make a living in. If his methods are sometimes morally dubious, his heart is still in the right place. Of course, for Quinn, the right place means firmly locked away, protected at all costs. Living by his wits and sometimes magically induced luck, he works as a ‘freelance magic user’, or unregistered mage and small-time con, according to the authorities. The last thing Quinn wants is to draw the cops’ attention, but when an Event happens right on top of him, he’s forced to turn to AURA for help. Valerian isn’t at all what he’d expected in an AURA cop, and he certainly wasn’t expecting to join forces with the sexy elf, a snarky drow and a bitter incubus, when certain individuals in power try to stop the RARE by any means necessary. Things are not all what they seem at AURA headquarters, and a greater evil lurks at the top than anyone could have imagined.
Hi! It appears to be Thursday. That manic grin on my face stems from the realization that another week is sliding past me. I'm doomed. Anyway - News! Gravitational Attraction has been translated into Italian! *muppet arm flail* Up for pre-order now at Dreamspinner, releasing March 7, 2017! (For anyone curious, this title is also available in French.) Attrazione gravitazionale Attirato da una misteriosa richiesta di soccorso, l’equipaggio della nave mercantile Hermes trova alla deriva nello spazio un vascello militare in apparenza vuoto. Al suo interno, sangue e resti umani imbrattano i corridoi e vi è un unico sopravvissuto, rinchiuso in una cella di custodia. L’uomo, bellissimo ma traumatizzato, attira l’attenzione dell’addetto alle comunicazioni della nave, Isaac Ozawa, che decide di prendersene cura, offrendogli la gentilezza e il calore di cui l’altro ha bisogno dopo gli orrori vissuti. Isaac ha imparato sulla propria pelle cosa significhi essere diverso, essere un emarginato, e questo rafforza il loro legame. Un tempo pilota promettente, ha subito dei danni fisici dopo che il suo cervello non è riuscito a fondersi con l’impianto necessario a pilotare i potenti caccia della Flotta. Il cervello di Turk non è da meno. Come risultato di un esperimento militare fallito, le sue naturali capacità sono state aumentate a livelli pericolosi. Quando un ammiraglio senza morale e assetato di potere rapisce Isaac, usandolo per convincere Turk a diventare l’arma catastrofica che ha sempre sognato, saranno necessari tutta la forza di Turk, l’ingegnosità dell’equipaggio della *Hermes*, l’aiuto degli enigmatici Drak’tar e la testardaggine dello stesso Isaac per riuscire a salvare l’intero universo. Cover Artist: Anne Cain Translator: Victor Millais In other news, Quinn's Gambit is up for Best M/M Paranormal Urban Fantasy and best M/M Paranormal Urban Fantasy Series over at the Paranormal Romance Guild. Voting is open until 2/12 - so if you have a chance, tons of good stuff to vote on!
Reviewer's Choice Awards for 2016 (The M/M items are toward the bottom and you do have to be signed into Google to vote.) Somehow I've managed to overbook this year already, just so you know. It's only February. Last but not least, I've been a good little author and have sent back final edits on Skim Blood & Savage Verse. Onward! |
September 2024
About Angel
Angel writes (mostly) Science Fiction and Fantasy centered around queer heroes. Currently living part time in the hectic sprawl of northern Delaware and full time inside her head, she has one husband, one son, two cats, a love of all things beautiful and a terrible addiction to the consumption of both knowledge and chocolate. |