Hello all and Happy Friday! This week I have an excerpt from a mystery to read to you - The Mystery of the Moving Image, by C.S. Poe, to be exact. :) I personally enjoy the Snow and Winter series, so this was a fun read for me. It's on sale this month, too! The Mystery of the Moving Image Snow & Winter 3 by C.S. Poe DSP Publications | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Google Play | iBooks | Kobo It’s summer in New York City, and antique shop owner Sebastian Snow is taking the next big step in his relationship with NYPD homicide detective, Calvin Winter: they’re moving in together. What should have been a wonderful week of playing house and celebrating Calvin’s birthday comes to an abrupt end when a mysterious package arrives at the Emporium. Inside is a Thomas Edison Kinetoscope, a movie viewer from the nineteenth century, invented by the grandfather of modern cinema, W. K. L. Dickson. And along with it, footage of a murder that took place over a hundred years ago. Sebastian resists the urge to start sleuthing, even if the culprit is long dead and there’s no apparent danger. But break-ins at the Emporium, a robbery, and dead bodies aren’t as easy to ignore, and Sebastian soon realizes that the century-old murder will lead him to a modern-day killer. However, even with Sebastian’s vast knowledge of Victorian America and his unrelenting perseverance in the face of danger, this may be the one mystery he won’t survive. About C.S. Poe
C.S. Poe is a Lambda Literary and two-time EPIC award finalist, and a FAPA award-winning author of gay mystery, romance, and paranormal books. She is an avid fan of coffee, reading, and cats. C.S. is a member of the International Thriller Writers organization. | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Blog | Goodreads | BookBub | Newsletter | | C.S. Poe’s Curious & Mysterious |
There are things I'm hoping to get done this summer, and I'm snailing right along here.
* Web of Arcana 2 - I'm finishing up the second chapter. Hoping to find a happier place with this novel soon. Right now, the writing is still so tentative. * The Hunt for Red Fluffy - yes, I know. It's coming. Developmental edits hit a snag, but we'll get there. More soon! In honor of Juneteenth this week - the day that news of the Emancipation Proclamation was delivered to Texas in 1865, two and a half years after the actual proclamation (for more on this event, see Juneteenth.com) - I won't be reading to you. It's important that you hear from someone else here - the inestimable Maya Angelou. I was lucky enough to see her speak at my University in 1984. She filled the room. Yes, every seat was taken, but she filled that room. Her presence. Her oratory. The way she put all of herself into every poem she read. If you can watch this and not react with strong emotion, you have no heart. The Mask was written by Paul Laurence Dunbar. Maya Angelou's spoken word performance brings it to life:
Friday has returned! This week, I get to read to you from a collection I've been waiting for - Tales From Ardulum which contains several stories from that universe including what's happening to our intrepid Neek and Co. a year after Third Don. :D
Tales From Ardulum
J.S. Fields Amazon One year after saving the Neek homeworld and redefining the people’s religion, the crew of the Scarlet Lucidity returns to the Charted Systems for a much-needed break. For Nicholas and Yorden, the Systems will always be home, but for Emn and Atalant, too many memories compound with Emn’s strange new illness to provide much relaxation. TALES FROM ARDULUM continues the journey of Atalant, Emn, Yorden, Nicholas, and Salice as they try to define their place in a galaxy that no longer needs them while battling the artifacts of Ardulan colonization. Other stories include Yorden’s acquisition of the Mercy’s Pledge (and his grudge against the galaxy), Atalant’s exile from her homeworld, Ekimet and Savath’s romance, and many others.
About the Author
J.S. Fields (@Galactoglucoman) is a scientist who has perhaps spent too much time around organic solvents. They enjoy roller derby, woodturning, making chainmail by hand, and cultivating fungi in the backs of minivans. Nonbinary, and yes, it matters. Fields has lived in Thailand, Ireland, Canada, USA, and spent extensive time in many more places. Their current research takes them to the Peruvian Amazon rainforest each summer, where they traumatizes students with machetes and tangarana ants while looking for rare pigmenting fungi. They live with their partner and child, and a very fabulous lionhead rabbit named Merlin. Author Website: http://www.jsfieldsbooks.com Author Twitter: @galactoglucoman Author Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/16484795.J_S_Fields Author QueeRomance Ink: https://www.queeromanceink.com/mbm-book-author/j-s-fields/ Author Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/J.S.-Fields/e/B071YWC4VN
J.S. Fields is giving away four prizes with this tour: a collectible soft enamel pin of the Mercy's Pledge (2), and a high res version of one of the interior illustrations (their choice, pick from Yorden, Nick, Emn, or Atalant) (2). Enter via Rafflecopter: We had a wonderful time in Toronto with the Yaoi/Yuri North crew last month. I don't have a ton of conventions this year, but there are two more.
I'll be at Flame Con with Mischief Corner Books August 17-18 and GRL Albuquerque, September 16-20 Hope to see you there! Friday is here! And that means I get to read to you. :) This week, I have an excerpt from a m/m fantasy by Kasia Bacon - magic, gladiators, assassins, all the fun stuff. ;) Don't Fight the Spark A Soldiers and Mercenaries Story by Kasia Bacon Amazon - Kindle Unlimited As the Light Festival draws near, the Něssyrians craft paper lanterns, awaiting the most important holiday of the year. The Lyliňg Fighting House, too, prepares for celebration--by laying fresh sand onto the arena and setting up a match against their top pit fighter, the unrivalled Yüuzuki Ōren. His last match. One he can’t win. With the odds more than stacked against him, the gorgeous Barbarian is as good as dead. Unless his lover, healer Ĥaiatto Ẽkana, proves himself every bit as determined as he is clever and finds a way to protect the man he'd stop at nothing to save. About Kasia Bacon
A linguist and an avid reader with a particular fondness for fantasy and paranormal genres, KASIA BACON lives in London with her husband. When not tearing her hair out over a translating project, she writes stories about the shenanigans of emotionally constipated assassins and sexy Elves. Otherwise, she can be found shaking her loins at a Zumba class, binging on anime or admiring throwing knives on Pinterest. A lover of MMA and Muay Thai, she also enjoys nature and the great outdoors. She dreams of becoming independently wealthy, leaving the city and moving into her wooden mini-manor—located in the heart of stunning forests resembling those of the Elven Country depicted in her tales. Find Kasia online: Website Amazon BookBub Goodreads For excerpts, free stories and updates about new projects, sign up for Kasia’s newsletter. Some weeks, there's not a lot to tell. Currently:
There's just been a lot of non-writing stuff going on which, unfortunately, will continue into next week. But we'll get there. :) OK - so it's Friday Reading Day on Saturday. Various things got in the way this week, sorry about that. This week we have an exciting excerpt from G.B. Gordon's Match Grade - assassin protagonist anyone? :D Match Grade
Criminal Delights by G.B. Gordon Amazon - Kindle Unlimited Eirik Haldurson is a hitman. Kidnapped at age five and cruelly trained by his captor, he is today one of the most sought-after contract killers alive. Emotional distance from his targets, brutally beaten into him until it became second nature, is now the only way he can function. Lately though, that distance has started to elude him. And when a Colombian drug cartel contracts Eirik to take out ex-soldier-turned-vigilante, Matt Moreno, distance is suddenly as close as heat to fire. And all hell breaks loose. This book is part of CRIMINAL DELIGHTS. Each novel can be read as a standalone and contains a dark M/M romance. Warning: These books are for adult readers who enjoy stories where lines between right and wrong get blurry. High heat, twisted and tantalizing, these are not for the fainthearted. About G.B. Gordon G.B. Gordon worked as a packer, landscaper, waiter, and coach before going back to school to major in linguistics and, at thirty-five, switch to less backbreaking monetary pursuits like translating, editing, and writing. Having lived in various parts of the world, Gordon is now happily ensconced in suburban Ontario with the best of all husbands. Social Media: Website and blog Goodreads |
January 2025
About Angel
Angel writes (mostly) Science Fiction and Fantasy centered around queer heroes. Currently living part time in the hectic sprawl of northern Delaware and full time inside her head, she has one husband, one son, two cats, a love of all things beautiful and a terrible addiction to the consumption of both knowledge and chocolate. |