OK - so I'm not quite there yet. I'd hoped to have the next Brandywine story done by month end. It's close - at 48K for the word count and climbing, just not quite finished yet. Charon and Azeban's story will be completed soon, though. Then off to the beta to rip and shred. Pack Up The Moon - coming soon. :D Next - The Holiday Stories Are Here! Releases begin this week for A Holiday To Remember and continue until 12/30! For all the details, check the Mischief Corner Books website, where there's a lovely cover slideshow. A Holiday To Remember Also, All The World's An Undead Stage has gone on tour! Blog tour, that is. Look for interviews with characters you might not expect, columns from me and one original flash prequel piece. :D
My Fiction Nook - a little post on the theme of family in Offbeat Crimes Hearts On Fire - Officer Krisk Would Like A Word The Novel Approach - a post on who the cast should reflect the setting :) Love Bytes - an extra special flash fiction prequel with Pecca Teecosi Anna Butler - a post about the Walnut Lane Bridge (you'll thank me later) Jessie G. Books - paranormal vs urban fantasy (or You Got Vampires In My UF)
Hello Everyone and Happy Friday! We're going to be doubling up on the readings for the next few weeks to get the holiday story readings in before the, er, holidays. I've so enjoyed all these stories and I'm so pleased to be able to share pieces of them with you. :) These stories are available for pre-order right now and releasing oh so soon! ![]() But To Love More by Foster Bridget Cassidy release date 12/2/17 Mel finally gets to go home for Christmas. In his absence, his hometown has changed and Carlos, his best friend’s little brother, is all grown up and interested in a relationship. But Carlos has his work cut out for him since Mel's having trouble seeing past the little brother part and his big brother Aldo's determined to keep them apart. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07767LHRH https://itunes.apple.com/gb/book/but-to-love-more/id1308019216?mt=11 https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/but-to-love-more ![]() Corey's Christmas Bundle by Toni Griffin release date 12/6/17 Return to the Australian Tableland and the Atherton Pack where Corey's about to make Christmas just a little more complicated for his mate and his pack. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07767KDTR https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/coreys-christmas-bundle/id1308017697?mt=11 https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/corey-s-christmas-bundle What? Overdramatic? Okay. Maybe it's not quite that bad. Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate! But holiday stories ARE up for pre-order for the Holiday To Remember Collection and the first one goes live 11/29 (Watermelon Kisses.) For the full schedule, blurbs, pre-order links and pretty covers, I've done a convenient blog post here: A Holiday To Remember ![]() And yes, I do have a holiday story this year. :D Really should make an annual thing of it. Mine's up for pre-order now, too, and will go live on December 9. Safety Protocols For Human Holidays Growlan Raskli serves as the security officer on an interspecies ship. It's her job to keep the peace amid a wild array of cultural and physical differences. But when senior staff ask her to investigate the new aberrant behavior of their single Human crewmember, she's at a complete loss. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0776H1DZM/ https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/safety-protocols-for-human-holidays https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/safety-protocols-for-human-holidays/id1308094310?mt=11 ![]() Also up for pre-order and releasing everywhere, all at once, on January 2, 2018, the final installment of the Offbeat Crimes series arc. If you've been following along, this is the one in which all of your questions get answered. No. Not that one. Um, not that one either... This is the one in which the questions I'm willing to answer get answered. All The World's An Undead Stage Offbeat Crimes 6 (Gay Paranormal Humor) Ebook: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0783PL72N https://www.pride-publishing.com/book/all-the-worlds-an-undead-stage Paperback: https://www.pride-publishing.com/book/all-the-worlds-an-undead-stage-print ![]() Don't forget that Shax and the Brimstone crew launched in French this week, too! Captain Shax will be trying to impress everyone with his French all week, I'm sure. L'équipée infernale: La Soufrière, T1 (Hell For The Company - French edition) Reines-Beaux Amazon iTunes Shax, le prince démoniaque des Voleurs, s'est réconcilié avec son existence d'exilé. Il s'amuse comme un fou à foncer d'un bout à l'autre de la galaxie pour sa reconversion professionnelle en tant que contrebandier de patrimoines hauts de gamme. Tout baigne pour lui, merci bien. Bon, d'accord, les vaches anti-gravité lui posent quelques problèmes et certains de ses acheteurs vont finir par lui flanquer un ulcère, mais il s'en tire très bien jusqu'au jour où il rencontre un ange blessé dans une jungle psychédélique. La seule raison qui le pousse à porter secours au jeune homme ailé, ce sont ses ailes dorées, mais la quantité de choses qu'il ignore au sujet des anges pourrait remplir une encyclopédie intergalactique...
Mischief Corner Books presents "A Holiday To Remember" - eleven diverse holiday stories from some wonderful authors! Links prior to release dates are for pre-orders.
**Watermelon Kisses by Freddy MacKay release date 11/29/17 Life hasn't been easy for Amir since he fled Iran after a brutal imprisonment. But this Shab-e Yalda, Amir wants to give his husband something special, because even after the darkest nights, the sun will rise again. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07767LJM2 https://itunes.apple.com/gb/book/watermelon-kisses/id1307937583?mt=11 https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/watermelon-kisses **But To Love More by Foster Bridget Cassidy release date 12/2/17 Mel finally gets to go home for Christmas. In his absence, his hometown has changed and Carlos, his best friend’s little brother, is all grown up and interested in a relationship. But Carlos has his work cut out for him since Mel's having trouble seeing past the little brother part and his big brother Aldo's determined to keep them apart. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07767LHRH https://itunes.apple.com/gb/book/but-to-love-more/id1308019216?mt=11 https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/but-to-love-more **Corey's Christmas Bundle by Toni Griffin release date 12/6/17 Return to the Australian Tableland and the Atherton Pack where Corey's about to make Christmas just a little more complicated for his mate and his pack. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07767KDTR https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/coreys-christmas-bundle/id1308017697?mt=11 https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/corey-s-christmas-bundle **Safety Protocols For Human Holidays by Angel Martinez release date 12/9/17 Growlan Raskli serves as the security officer on an interspecies ship. It's her job to keep the peace amid a wild array of cultural and physical differences. But when senior staff ask her to investigate the new aberrant behavior of their single Human crewmember, she's at a complete loss. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0776H1DZM/ https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/safety-protocols-for-human-holidays https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/safety-protocols-for-human-holidays/id1308094310?mt=11 **Secrets & Silk by Nicole Dennis release date 12/13/17 It's Secret Santa time at the office and David would rather be anywhere but participating in the festivities. A nasty co-worker's been harassing him and this year's Santa is the one person who knows David's own secret. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07767S6XC https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/secrets-silk https://itunes.apple.com/ca/book/secrets-silk/id1308018662?mt=11 **Winter Home by Kassandra Lea 12/16/17 Restoring an old Victorian manor has been keeping contractor Brett Hawkins busy. The project's meant to be complete by Christmas, but he's struggling with the deadline and with trying to help his beloved Manny with his holiday depression. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07769VJ4T https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/winter-home https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/winter-home/id1308019153?mt=11 **The Christmas Eve Craigslist Killer by Jill Wexler 12/18/17 Travis, the public library's computer geek, is content skirting the edges of social interaction, a guy someone like social, charming Connor would never fall for. But when Travis fails to find this year's hottest toy for his nephew, Connor finds one on Craigslist, hours away. A road trip with handsome, quirky Connor can only end badly. https://www.amazon.com/Christmas-Eve-Cragislist-Killer-Remember-ebook/dp/B077CRWTT1 https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-christmas-eve-craigslist-killer https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/id1312656296 **New Beginnings by Jayne Lockwood, release date 12/20/17 Nick's gorgeous ex-fiancée left him on New Year’s Eve, a week after their engagement, and he still doesn’t know why. A chance meeting reveals that Sammi is now Sam, a transgender man. As the reasons for their break-up become clearer, Nick struggles to make sense of his new feelings. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077GK88WH https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/new-beginnings-117 https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/id1313603446 **A Piece Of Ourselves by Tray Ellis, release date 12/23/17 Balancing holidays between two families can make cheerful celebrations into chores. Carson mom has overscheduled the Christmas holidays and she's more than insistent that boyfriend Tynan Harris come into the family fold. Tynan's patience is sorely as he tries to fit in time for his family and for time with Carson. Tynan needs to figure out how to find some breathing room, split their time more fairly, and make Christmas more than just tradition by rote. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077L6Z9SZ/ https://www.books2read.com/u/mqpqP8 https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/a-piece-of-ourselves I Only Want to Be With You by J Scott Coatsworth, release Date: 12/27/17 Derrek’s been alone for five year since his husband. His best friend, Ryan lost his partner in an auto accident, and is dating Alex, who doesn’t treat him right. Derrek can’t figure out why Ryan comes to him to talk about all his hopes, dreams, and fears, then goes home to Alex? If Derrek can figure that out, they might just have a shot. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077NG49G1 https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/i-only-want-to-be-with-you A New Year On Vega III by Siri Paulson, release date 12/30/17 On the colony planet Vega III, quiet plant biologist Anil finds outgoing, fabulous Beck hiding in his greenhouse, lonely and missing Earth. The two of them are drawn to one another, but both of them are hiding secrets about their sexuality. With trust between them already on shaky ground, Anil's elaborate plans to cheer Beck may well backfire. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077RZ6YZQ https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/a-new-year-on-vega-iii Hello everyone and Happy Friday! Today I'm starting a series of readings for the holiday collection, "A Holiday To Remember" from Mischief Corner Books. Today's reading gets to be all by itself since it's the first story in the collection. :) ![]() Watermelon Kisses A Holiday To Remember by Freddy MacKay Release date November 29, 2017 Amazon Kobo iBooks Life hasn't been easy for Amir since he fled Iran after a brutal imprisonment. The trauma experienced at the hands of the guards left a dark spot on his soul. The one constant in his life since relocating to Chicago has been his lover—now husband—Esmail, whose steadfast love and support has soothed his wounded heart. But this Shab-e Yalda, Amir wants to be the one giving his husband something special, because even after the darkest nights, the sun will rise again. More or less, at any rate. Right now, right this second: Safety Protocols For Human Holidays is up for pre-order. Release is December 9 as part of MCB's A Holiday To Remember collection this year. Something different this year - a science fiction humor piece that's not Brimstone. Pre-order links: Amazon Kobo iBooks ![]() Also right now (!!) Uncommonly Tidy Poltergeists is in audio! Up on Amazon and Audible now, iTunes link coming in the next couple of days. Narrated by the marvelous (and did we mention patient?) Michael Pauley. Amazon Audible Poltergeists has also just received an Honorable Mention in this year's Rainbow Awards - yay! ![]() November 21 Pre-order links goes up for All The World's An Undead Stage next Tuesday! Waaaaagh! The last book in the Offbeat Crimes series (this story arc, at any rate), concerns Erasmus and Carrington, the answers to some burning questions, and undead actors. By the end of November
I'm determined to get to the end of Pack Up The Moon - Brandywine Investigations 5. It's looking very likely at this point. Hello there! We have a guest author today who's been gracious enough to let me read a snippet :D ![]() 'Til Death Do Them Part Dealings With Death 1 by Meg Bawden Amazon Smashwords Barnes and Noble Rhys Turner's world crashed and burned around him on Halloween in 2015. The loss of his fiance, Kian, left Rhys lost and unwilling to move on or seek closure. He spent the next two years wandering in the fog of grief, until Halloween rolled around again and brought Kian back with it. For one night. One night was never going to be enough, though, and Rhys can't let him go. He takes Kian and flees the Grim Reaper. Spending his life on the run seems like an easy trade if it keeps Kian with him, but Rhys didn't count on how hard it was to run from Death. Not even the help of a witch and sheer pig-headed determination is enough when Kian starts fading a little more each day. Death's hellhounds are nipping at their heels and the only thing Rhys knows for sure is that he can't lose Kian again, no matter the cost. Oh, hi! It's Thursday again. *twitches* How do the weeks keep slipping away like that? All sorts of exciting fun things to tell you this week. Thing 1: Safety Protocols For Human Holidays is up for pre-order! Part of MIschief Corner Books "A Holiday To Remember" collection this year (and there are ten other fabulous stories), mine is a F/F science fiction humor piece, because of course it is. :D Amazon Kobo iBooks Thing 2: All The World's An Undead Stage goes up for pre-order on November 21! Book 6 in the Offbeat Crimes series, the last one in this story arc, Ras and Carrington are back to face more bad things and many of the questions you've been asking get answers. Pride Publishing Thing 3: AUDIO! 2 specifically, coming to your ears very soon. Uncommonly Tidy Poltergeists, narrated by Michael Pauley, is complete and just waiting for the gods of ACX/Audible to get the links up. Fingers crossed that it's sooner rather than later. Potato Surprise, A Brimstone Prequel, narrated by the man of a thousand voices, Vance Bastian, recording is complete. Probably will be early December when we can get editing done and get it through ACX. Finally, I'm NaNo-ing this year. Don't know what possessed me. (Yes, I do. But we won't talk about that.) The thinking is that if I have word count to live up to, I might finish the next Brandywine story. Fingers crossed there, too.
Hi all! Hope your Friday is going well. A little excerpt today from the first Brandywine Investigations series story since I've finally managed to get back to working on that series. Just something fun. :) ![]() Brandywine Investigations: Open For Business Brandywine Investigations 1-3 When humans forsake the temples, the gods need to find other employment. Hades opens Brandywine Investigations after his divorce and his subsequent move to the modern world. If he was hoping for boring infidelity cases and lost dogs, he’s sorely mistaken as murder and mayhem find his agency and his extended family at an astonishing rate. Got a little hairy there at the end, but All The World's An Undead Stage is now off to the editor! *wheee* *confetti* And there was much rejoicing. Erasmus and Carrington's second story goes up for pre-order November 21, with a release date of January 2, 2018. (Pride's changed the release schedule a bit so there will be one release date from now on rather than two - makes things a little easier.) All The World's An Undead Stage In this last story of the series arc, I'll answer all the questions I'm willing to answer. No, you won't get to know everything. Some characters like their privacy. So this means once I get some administrative stuff done that I've been neglecting *ahem* I can start recovering from The Year Of Offbeat Crimes - as amazingly fun as it has been - and get back to some other things. Brandywine is on deck next.
A certain squirrel has insisted that I do NaNoWriMo this year - not so much for writing a whole new novel this month, but for the daily word count. We'll see how that goes. :D |
January 2025
About Angel
Angel writes (mostly) Science Fiction and Fantasy centered around queer heroes. Currently living part time in the hectic sprawl of northern Delaware and full time inside her head, she has one husband, one son, two cats, a love of all things beautiful and a terrible addiction to the consumption of both knowledge and chocolate. |