One last reading for this year! This is a short excerpt from the upcoming release, Uncommonly Tidy Poltergeists, in which a young person just coming into manhood is sent on a quest to destroy an evil rin--oh, wait. Sorry. That's something else entirely. Have a listen: ![]() Uncommonly Tidy Poltergeists Word Count: 35,454 Release Date: January 11, 2017 Editor: Jude Dunn Cover Artist: LC Chase Amazon Kobo Apple A poltergeist haunts Taro, dogging his international travels. It washes glasses, puts dishes away, and even dusts. At least he hopes it's a cleaning-obsessed poltergeist and not his own anxieties burbling over into neat freak fits he doesn't remember. When his property manager suggests he call paranormal expert, Jack Montrose, Taro's skeptical but desperate enough to try even a ghost hunter. Jack's arrival crushes Taro's hopes of a dashing Van Helsing-style hero. Instead of an invincible hunter, he gets Ichabod Crane. As the paranormal puzzles multiply and Jack begins to suggest the entity might not be a ghostly one, Taro adds a budding friendship with Jack to his pile of anxieties. It's a race to see whether Taro's poltergeist or his relationship with the obviously-not-ace Jack will reach maximum strangeness first.
Well. That was an interesting week. The biggest, most unpleasant news from me is about the All Romance site closing in regard to Uncommonly Tidy Poltergeist pre-orders. If you did pre-order a copy through ARe (and sadly, many readers did...) please be sure to request a refund from them. They will not be sending out automatic refunds for pre-orders as they should.
As of this writing, the only sites from which to pre-order are Amazon and Apple. The Kobo link should be along later today or tomorrow. Sadly, even though other sites have shown that pre-orders work extremely well, most book distribution sites and webstore providers don't offer the option yet. Anyway - Uncommonly Tidy Poltergeists will release on January 11, as planned. No changes there. If you do still want to pre-order, the Amazon and Apple links are below and MCB and I will be sharing the Kobo link as soon as it's up. Thank you for your patience in this matter. Hi all, and Happy Holidays! Hope yours are warm and bright. Today's entry is the last in our holiday reads series - a bear shifter story from Toni Griffin: ![]() Wreath of Fire: Smokey Mountain Bears 2 By Toni Griffin Smokey Mountain Bears 2 Cover Artist: Catherine Dair Amazon All Romance Michael's trying to start a new life away from his abusive father, but he's drifting and not sure what he wants. When he accidentally starts a kitchen fire, the hot new fireman who comes to the rescue is not only another bear shifter. He's Michael's mate. Michael desperately needs to get his act together and figure out what he wants if he has any hope of claiming the bear fated to be his. Happy almost Christmas to everyone who celebrates! We're nearly out of year, so it's time to start talking about 2017 releases. The time does zip along sometimes. ![]() First, Shax and crew in The Brimstone Journals: Collection One - releasing Christmas Eve! This is the first batch of Brimstone Journal stories from the Mischief Corner Books blog all collected and sorted for you in chronological order. In addition, the Collection has an exclusive holiday story as the last entry - winter holidays Brimstone style! The Brimstone Journals: Collection One Release Date: December 24, 2016 Amazon All Romance Kobo The Brimstone. Cargo ship, hive of thievery and profiteering. Captained by a demon prince and manned by a crew that puts any batch of misfits to shame. You've come along with a cargo of anti-gravity cows and one of jeweled-toned potatoes. You've shared the horrors of frogs and nightmares. Now share some, more or less, quieter moments with the Brimstone crew—small snippets plucked from various spots in each personal timeline, from Shax and Verin's childhood in Hell to after the events of Beside a Black Tarn. The Brimstone Journals, Collection One also includes an exclusive holiday short story, never published as part of the blog series. Shax would probably like to keep it that way, but too bad. ![]() Coming up next, we have Uncommonly Tidy Poltergeists, a brand new urban fantasy novella featuring an ace MC and lots of strange happenings. Releasing 1/11/17 and up for preorder now! Uncommonly Tidy Poltergeists Release Date: January 11, 2017 Amazon All Romance A poltergeist haunts Taro, dogging his international travels. It washes glasses, puts dishes away, and even dusts. At least he hopes it's a cleaning-obsessed poltergeist and not his own anxieties burbling over into neat freak fits he doesn't remember. When his property manager suggests he call paranormal expert, Jack Montrose, Taro's skeptical but desperate enough to try even a ghost hunter. Jack's arrival crushes Taro's hopes of a dashing Van Helsing-style hero. Instead of an invincible hunter, he gets Ichabod Crane. As the paranormal puzzles multiply and Jack begins to suggest the entity might not be a ghostly one, Taro adds a budding friendship with Jack to his pile of anxieties. It's a race to see whether Taro's poltergeist or his relationship with the obviously-not-ace Jack will reach maximum strangeness first. My apologies for missing last week. Things got a little hectic there. Back this week with Snow on Spirit Bridge, which includes an American exchange student, his Japanese roommate, Christmas in Tokyo and...stuff I can't tell you 'cause it would spoil things: ![]() Snow on Spirit Bridge By Freddy MacKay Amazon All Romance Kobo Alone in Japan, Finni is struggling against the constant distrust, avoidance, and xenophobia he experiences every day. He misses home. He misses his family. Nightmares come all too frequently because of the stress, and well, Christmas is just not Christmas in Japan. Not how he understands it. Distressed by how miserable Finni is, his roommate, Mamoru, offers to be Finni's family for Christmas. Little does he know how much one agreement would change everything between them, because both of them kept secrets neither ever dreamed were true. I've had something of a rough year. We all have, of course. 2016, you were the year of suckiness. Go away and never come back. Mine's had some personal ups and downs too, though, with elderly parents trying to navigate some new normals in their lives.
Anyway - I've needed a little pick me up from time to time and one of the things that helps is giving people stuff. So watch the Facebook group for that. (Not a member? Come over and join us: ) Also, just a reminder that The Brimstone Journals: Collection One, with the new, exclusive to the collection holiday short story, is up for pre-order. Releasing 12/24. Amazon All Romance Kobo Having tossed out a little tidbit about the first Brimstone Journal Collection recently, maybe I should go into a teensy bit of detail. The Journals (affectionately called by certain of my friends the "BJ's") first came into being as part of a blog tour for the audio version launch of Hell For the Company. Wouldn't it be fun to have some flash fiction pieces from the Brimstone crew? So I wrote several, oh, five or so, I think. People enjoyed them. And a certain publisher thought it might be a nice idea to make it a weekly feature. Mischief Corner: It'll be great! Just 500 words a week. Good for blog traffic. Me: But... every week? MCB: You can do this! You could write some ahead of time. Schedule them. Me: Um. OK. I'll try it. A year later, I'm still writing a Brimstone Journal every week - a slice of life from the perspective of one of the Brimstone's crew members or their associates. And I'll freely admit, it's been a lot of fun. And we realized it was enough to put into a collection for readers, in chronological order since when I write them every week, I just pick a random spot in time for that week's story. Also, since it's the holiday season and the stories have been up on the blog previously, I've added a special Yule short story (longer than the flash pieces) just for the collection that won't appear on the blog. So. Christmas Eve. 12/24. Come get your Brimstone and snuggle in with Shax while you wait for Santa. ;) ![]() The Brimstone Journals: Collection One Release Date: December 24, 2016 The Brimstone. Cargo ship, hive of thievery and profiteering. Captained by a demon prince and manned by a crew that puts any batch of misfits to shame. You've come along with a cargo of anti-gravity cows and one of jeweled-toned potatoes. You've shared the horrors of frogs and nightmares. Now share some, more or less, quieter moments with the Brimstone crew—small snippets plucked from various spots in each personal timeline, from Shax and Verin's childhood in Hell to after the events of Beside a Black Tarn. The Brimstone Journals, Collection One also includes an exclusive holiday short story, never published as part of the blog series. Shax would probably like to keep it that way, but too bad. Happy Friday! Today's reading is from a science fiction holiday story. No. I'm not kidding. ![]() A Christmas Cactus for the General Mischief Corner Books Amazon All Romance Nook Exiled to Earth for perhaps the worst failure in Irasolan history, General Teer must assimilate or die. Earth is too warm, too wet, too foreign, but he does the best he can even though human males are loud, childish louts whom he can't imitate successfully. When a grieving seaplane pilot strikes up a strange and uneasy friendship with him, he finds he may have been too quick to judge human males. They are strange to look at, but perhaps not as unbearable as he thought. It's December! How did that happen? Couple of items today:
Boots has it's general release next Tuesday, 12/6 - that's the Amazon, Nook, All Romance, and so on release day. Hooray! Uncommonly Tidy Poltergeists - a folktale urban fantasy story - comes out 1/11/17. I know that's a bit off still but we have blurb! Cover will be coming shortly. :) A poltergeist haunts Taro, dogging his international travels. It washes glasses, puts dishes away, and even dusts. At least he hopes it's a cleaning-obsessed poltergeist and not his own anxieties burbling over into neat freak fits he doesn't remember. When his property manager suggests he call paranormal expert, Jack Montrose, Taro's skeptical but desperate enough to try even a ghost hunter. Jack's arrival crushes Taro's hopes of a dashing Van Helsing-style hero. Instead of an invincible hunter, he gets Ichabod Crane. As the paranormal puzzles multiply and Jack begins to suggest the entity might not be a ghostly one, Taro adds a budding friendship with Jack to his pile of anxieties. It's a race to see whether Taro's poltergeist or his relationship with the obviously-not-ace Jack will reach maximum strangeness first. |
January 2025
About Angel
Angel writes (mostly) Science Fiction and Fantasy centered around queer heroes. Currently living part time in the hectic sprawl of northern Delaware and full time inside her head, she has one husband, one son, two cats, a love of all things beautiful and a terrible addiction to the consumption of both knowledge and chocolate. |