It's time to play the music, it's time to light the lights... Three things of note: 1. A Fine Mess is with the content editor. Yes. There's a lot of stuff going on there. Content editor can only do so much so fast. But it's coming! 2. Eating Stars launches May 26!! Some of you may recall the story under the title "Serge and Een." It's been re-edited and expanded by a little over 10K. While the story remains the same, you get to be there for a lot more of what happened. Expansion means it will be available in paperback as well, for those of you who like your print. :D 3. The return of Sub Zero! It's been a bit, so I'm not sure how many of you recall this one. Sub Zero is the missing ESTO universe novel, the one that was originally with Amber Quill. MCB has been kind enough to agree to a reissue and we're working through edits on that now, too. Yaaay! Sub Zero should remain essentially the same with some small content edits. Also - paperback! I'm excited to be able to offer this story to you again. Cover and release date coming soon. :)
Hi all! Hope your Friday's going well! This week, I have a short one for you - a flash fiction piece from Jeff Baker called Double Date. :) Science fiction humor and a whole story for you! Jeff has this to say about the story: I wrote most of this story while waiting for my car to be worked on. And, yes, this was written for one of those flash fiction picture prompt sites on Facebook (Monday Flash Fics, I think.) About Jeff:
Jeff Baker lives and writes in Wichita, Kansas where he happily lives with his husband Darryl. He has a story coming out in the upcoming anthology "The Necronomicon of Solar Pons" and regularly posts fiction on his blog:
Happy Friday everyone! This week I have an excerpt from E.M. Hamill's new Dalí Tamareia Mission, Peacemaker. Exciting science fiction with a m/nb romance! Come have a listen and don't forget the giveaway at the bottom of the post!
A Dalí Tamareia Mission by E.M. Hamill Ninestar Press Amazon: Barnes and Noble Kobo iBooks Smashwords Third-gender operative Dalí Tamareia thought their life as an ambassador ended when they joined a galactic intelligence agency. When they’re yanked out of the field and tapped to negotiate the surrender of deadly bio-engineered warriors who crashed into hostile territory, Dalí is thrust headfirst back into the tumultuous world of galactic diplomacy. Dalí has faced Shontavians before, but not like these. The stranded mercenaries are highly intelligent and have an agenda of their own. Dalí can’t afford to be distracted from the negotiations by their own demons or the presence of a charming diplomat with a mysterious past. As a brewing civil war threatens to derail the entire mission, Dalí must use all their skills to bring this dangerous situation to a peaceful end—but the Shontavians may not be the biggest monsters at the table. Someone is determined to see Dalí and their team dead before they discover the brutal truth hiding in the wreckage.
About E. M. :
Elisabeth "E.M." Hamill is a nurse by day, unabashed geek, chocoholic, sci fi and fantasy novelist by nights, weekends, and whenever she can steal quality time with her laptop. She lives with her family, a dog, and a cat in the wilds of eastern suburban Kansas, where they fend off flying monkey attacks and prep for the zombie apocalypse. Her other books include the acclaimed sci fi novel Dalí, the snarky urban fantasy Nectar and Ambrosia, and several short works of fiction. Visit for a full list of literary work. Author Website: Author Facebook (Author Page): Author Twitter: @songmagick Author Goodreads: Author QueeRomance Ink: Author Amazon: We've reached that point again with things sent to the content editor and me anxiously twiddling my thumbs. (How badly did I screw this up? How much will work for them? How much will they tell me to unpack because I didn't actually put the stuff in my brain on the page?) Anyway... A Fine Mess currently sits at 67.5 words, which, I've probably mentioned before, is more than 2 Fear of Frogs on the Brimstone Scale. This will probably change after the edits come back. The Brimstone stories were supposed to be nice little novellas. Stuff happened. Eating Stars - this is a reissue of a science fiction romance some of you may recall under the title Serge & Een. There will be serious editing in parts and some expansion, the extent of which depends on feedback from aforementioned content editor. (Ominous music.) This story's very dear to me, largely because of messing with tropes, and I'll be pleased to have it back out there. Also - behold the lovely new cover! No release dates quite yet for either - we'll have those from the publisher soon. Onward!
Happy Friday! I had nothing on the schedule for this week, so something a little different. This is a video reading I did for TN Tarrant's writing group and contains:
Sure. There are small things to report:
But none of that seems quite as important right now. Of course I'll still work, slow and steady, as always, to bring you things to help with brain reboots. We all need those.
Whatever you're doing for brain reboots right now - reading, drawing, gaming, binge-watching, baking, knitting, writing - do those things. They are ALL valid and we desperately need them. Also - be kind and understand your privilege. Not everyone has access to the same things you do.
Be kind to people in scrubs in the markets, etc. These folks are putting their lives on the line for you and yours every day. Suck it up and social distance. Wash your gosh darn hands and sing your song of choice while doing it. Wash. Your. Hands. Love you all and want to see you again - but not until this is over. Happy Friday, everyone! I hope everyone is staying safe and following guidelines. <3 This week, I'm reading from the second book in Elle E. Ire's series Storm Fronts. This is some of my favorite stuff - lesbian science fiction, a cybernetic character - yay! Releasing April 7! Patchwork Storm Fronts 2 by Elle E. Ire Publisher Amazon Barnes and Noble Empath Kelly LaSalle means everything to cybernetic soldier Vick Corren—and Kelly deserves a partner who can love her in a romantic way. For the first time since receiving her robotic enhancements and an AI that makes her faster and stronger than the average merc, Vick thinks she can be that person. Vick wants Kelly for life, and she’ll do whatever it takes to be worthy. A holiday on a tropical planet seems the perfect time for Vick to demonstrate her commitment. And she has big plans. But the best intentions unravel when they’re pursued by a rival mercenary company that wants Vick’s technology—with or without her cooperation. A competitor for Kelly’s affection is determined to tear them apart, and a lover from Vick’s past has depraved plans of her own. Vick might not be able to save their lives without giving herself over to the machine she’s trying so hard to transcend. About Elle:
When she isn’t teaching writing to middle school students, Elle enjoys getting into her characters’ minds by taking shooting lessons, participating in interactive theatrical experiences, paying to be kidnapped “just for the fun and feel of it,” and attempting numerous escape rooms. Her first novel, Vicious Circle, was released by Torquere Press in November 2015, and was re-released in January 2020 by DSP Publications. Threadbare, the first in the Storm Fronts series, was released in August 2019 by DSP Publications. Elle is represented by Naomi Davis at BookEnds Literary Agency. To learn what her tagline “Deadly Women, Dangerous Romance” is really all about, visit her website:
On Sunday night, please join us for some fun over at the Litquake on Lockdown Event.
Author Kim Fielding was kind enough to ask me along for this live event where four of us will read short (very short) stories to you and discuss uplifting queer romance a bit afterwards. Our segment is titled "Met Cute - The Happy Side of Gay Romance." Sunday April 5, 7-8pm PST Our proposal was one of ten chosen from 87 entries. Did I mention it would be live? *bites nails* |
August 2024
About Angel
Angel writes (mostly) Science Fiction and Fantasy centered around queer heroes. Currently living part time in the hectic sprawl of northern Delaware and full time inside her head, she has one husband, one son, two cats, a love of all things beautiful and a terrible addiction to the consumption of both knowledge and chocolate. |