This is not a drill! Pre-order is up! You can pre-order Rarely Pure and Never Simple at: Amazon Barnes & Noble Kobo Apple iBooks Release date is June 28! Rarely Pure and Never Simple
Variant Configurations 1 Variant children are vanishing at an alarming rate. It will take a uniquely mismatched pair of trackers to untangle a web of conspiracy and misdirection to find them. In his isolated cabin, variant Damien Hazelwood avoids human contact as much as possible to prevent attacks of blind berserker panic. But his rare talent as a locator makes him the go-to contractor for tricky missing person's cases and when agents bring him a troubling contract involving missing variant children, he finds it impossible to refuse. Licensed tracker Blaze Emerson can't help being irritated when he's expected to follow the strange, twitchy locator's lead on his latest case. He works alone, he's damn good, and as a variant sparker, he has both the fire and the firepower to take on anything out there. Though he has to admit there's something intriguing about a man who can find people with his brain. With vastly different temperaments and backgrounds, Damien and Blaze need to negotiate quickly how to work together if they're going to crack this case. Add in the sudden appearance of Blaze's outlaw ex, the perils of tracking in the wilds, and a maddening lack of discernible motive or method, and they soon find themselves in as much danger as the kids they're trying to rescue. Variant Configurations takes place in a future Earth where humanity is reclaiming its spot in a gradually healing world. This book contains mentions of past abuse, action-adventure style mayhem, and the beginning sparks of a slow burn, series-spanning relationship.
Please leave a message at the beep... Fine. Of course I'm here. Online is portable, after all.
A brief check in since I'm visiting my sister in the Virginia mountains. Shadow Run, which I started writing because I wasn't writing, has hit 30 episodes. I honestly thought it would be quite short. A short story. Perhaps a novelette. Ha. We'll see where we are when it's done. I apologize in advance for any cliffhanger episodes as we reach the dramatic climax. Rarely Pure and Never Simple is on track for a June 28 release. Hooray! From the Noblest Motives is swiftly approaching 50K - and is nowhere near done. I'm not even going to try to estimate a word count this time. I'm thinking around 65K? We shall see. Happy Friday, everyone! A special sneak peek this week (all the rhyming!) as I read to you from the second Variant Configurations novel, From the Noblest Motives. (Coming in August this year!) Completely unedited :D From the Noblest Motives
Variant Configurations 2 by Angel Martinez Several months have passed since Blaze and the infamous Variant activist Shudder McKenzie helped Damien rescue captives of the sinister Fredamine Project. Professionally, everything's great. He's back to working with Damien again and they have a new lead on the four kids who are still missing. Personally, not so much. Blaze has made his peace with Shudder, though nothing between them has even been easy, but his relationship with Damien has taken several steps back. Blaze no longer has any idea where he stands. Adding to the tense atmosphere are the anti-Variant members of legislature who have been slowly gaining popular approval, and the cryptic messages Damien receives from an unknown source. Shudder's back to his old haunts and his old tricks, trying to raise public awareness of imperiled Variant rights—such as the draconic Horace Act that strips due process during Variant trials—and to rescue Variant kids in trouble. His almost mythical luck runs out though when he's arrested for murder only three days after the passage of the Horace Act and a whirlwind trial and sentencing lands him in the most notorious maximum security facility for Variants—San Judas Tadeo. With too many conspirators on both sides of the aisle, Damien, Blaze and Shudder no longer know whom to trust. Peeling through the layers of deceit and half-truths puts them on shakier ground with every discovery and in greater danger than ever before. Variant Configurations takes place in a future Earth where humanity is reclaiming its spot in a gradually healing world. This book contains mentions of past abuse, action-adventure style mayhem, and the sparks of a slow burn, series-spanning relationship. We have a release date for Rarely Pure and Never Simple: Variant Configurations 1 - yay! The first novel in the series will release June 28, 2022.
We should be seeing a first look at the cover in May, too. :D The second book should be following fairly quickly in early August, barring any disasters on my part. Rarely Pure and Never Simple: VC1 - June 28, 2022 From the Noblest Motives: VC2 - August 2022 In All Its Tainted Glory: VC3 - tbd (but there's a title!) Stay tuned for more news to come! It's been very quiet writing-wise on my end, except for the serial. I know folks aren't used to that from me. Sorry about that. I do know a few things, though, so a brief update:
Status updates this week:
*deep breath* Things are still moving slowly, but they're moving. We have:
1. A signed contract for Ryld's Shadows: AURA 4. More info on actual production dates and cover and so on will come later. I was anxious, but the publisher snapped it up quickly. 2. Some actual progress on Variants 2 - From the Noblest Motives. An actual chapter one is nearly complete. Some of you may recall I had to trash the entire beginning after rewriting Rarely Pure and Never Simple. It just didn't work any longer. Some of you may also know that I tend to write slooowly at the beginning of a new project. 300 words is a good day. 3. If you're going to be at GRL in St Louis this year (all gods of travel willing), I'll be participating in the charm bracelet scavenger hunt. (Participants pick up a charm bracelet and a list of authors to find - each author gives them a charm representing their work.) The charm I picked is a hedgehog to represent both Leopold from the Brimstone series and Mrs. Pickle from Geoffrey the Very Strange. The gold one is the official charm. The one with a bit of pink is one I'll have a few of in case you'd like an extra Leopold charm. I just thought they were pretty. Things are going slowly here in the cave, but that's sometimes a good thing. Making sure the stories work is more important than speed. Rarely Pure and Never Simple is with the line editor now. Final word count to come, but it will be at least 10K longer than the original version. There are new scenes, scenes that have been moved about, adjustments to character arcs and romance arcs, and an eye kept out for problematic language. It's still the same story? But I hope it's a better story, too. Ryld's Shadows: AURA 4, with Bellora Quinn, should be back from all the betas soon. We're getting blurbage and things ready for submission in the meanwhile and hope to have news for you next month. Fingers crossed for us.
For Rarely Pure and Never Simple, that is. Quite possibly the most extensive rewrites I've ever done for any piece.
It is, in essence, still the same story. Some things have been moved about, some things added, some small things taken away, some inconsistencies addressed in character and worldbuilding as well as a better foundation laid for the rest of the story. I think it's time to stop messing with it and move on to the rest of editing. :) Yes, this has set the writing calendar back a bit, but it was necessary. On we go... Well. I tend to go from no news to too much news. Fasten your seatbelts. Secure the lap bars. This is a bit. Gravitational Attraction - An ESTO Universe Novel returns next week! May 11. This is a reissue - aside from the glorious new cover and a few necessary edits, there have been no changes or additions. Turk and Isaac are back in their fast-paced, culture clash space opera! Pre-orders are up now if you want to snag one early: Amazon Barnes & Noble Kobo Apple Rarely Pure and Never Simple: Variant Configurations 1 is approaching the end of rewrites - and these are serious rewrites. Just about everything from some of the characters, to the order of events, to the worldbuilding, to the romance needed some help. (Don't despair, dear readers who enjoyed it before. It is, when it's all said and done, the same story. But I hope it's a better told, more compelling story.) Some things needed more help than others. But once rewrites are done and it's in the hands of line editor, we should be getting a firm date from the publisher on the reissue. Also - I can confirm that Variant Configurations will be a three book series. Some high level plotting has begun so I don't lose my way and there are working titles: From the Noblest Motives: VC 2 In All Its Tainted Glory: VC 3 The goal is to have all three out this year. But I need to emphasize this is a goal and not a firm promise in case Stuff Happens. Offbeat Crimes is going through translation right now! Starting with, not shockingly, Lime Gelatin and Other Monsters, which has been translated into Italian and French so far. Something to keep close for a bit, too, is that Offbeat Crimes is in the queue for audio as well. :D In the queue being the operative word. I'll probably have more news on that farther into the summer. Gelatina Al Lime E Altri Mostri Kyle Monroe, il suo irritante nuovo partner e i loro compagni freak del 77° Distretto devono imparare a lavorare assieme per fermare un crudele assassino che potrebbe perfino non essere umano. L’incontro con una strana creatura gelatinosa in un vicolo lascia Kyle Monroe segnato per sempre, svelando strane abilità che vorrebbe non avere e facendogli ottenere la riassegnazione a un distretto in cui tutti i poliziotti hanno abilità paranormali difettate. Proprio quando sta iniziando ad abituarsi ai suoi compagni di squadra, arriva il suo nuovo partner. Alto, fisicamente perfetto e a suo dire senza alcun talento psichico malfunzionante, Vikash Soren irrita Kyle in ogni modo. Ma, per quanto gli piacerebbe odiarlo, Kyle si ritrova stranamente attratto da lui, e le loro non-abilità si intersecano in modi inattesi. Se riusciranno a imparare a lavorare insieme, potrebbero essere in grado di fermare il misterioso assassino che sta lasciando corpi mutilati lungo le rive dello Schuylkill. Gélatine de citron vert et autres monstres Kyle Monroe, son nouveau partenaire irritant et leurs collègues bizarres du 77e arrondissement doivent apprendre à travailler ensemble pour arrêter un meurtrier vicieux qui n`est peut-être même pas humain. La rencontre de Kyle Monroe avec une étrange créature gélatineuse dans une ruelle le laisse marqué et changé à jamais, révélant des capacités étranges qu`il souhaiterait ne pas avoir et lui valant d`être réaffecté dans un commissariat où tous les flics ont des capacités paranormales défectueuses. |
September 2024
About Angel
Angel writes (mostly) Science Fiction and Fantasy centered around queer heroes. Currently living part time in the hectic sprawl of northern Delaware and full time inside her head, she has one husband, one son, two cats, a love of all things beautiful and a terrible addiction to the consumption of both knowledge and chocolate. |